Hope Alive Foundation (HAF)


What We Do

Youth Mission

Globally the youth form the majority of the population forming the bulk number of voters. They form a critical mass providing an unmatched base of human resource.

Nevertheless, youth in many countries (Kenya is no exceptional) are marginalized and kept at the periphery in matters relating to governance and development of their nations with the ‘youth bulge’ many nations are facing a crisis that is likely to last for many more generations to come if the status quo is maintained.

State of Affairs

The current state of affairs must change and change fast to avert a looming crisis of an increasing rate of youth participation in crime and violence, essentially due to unemployment. Hope Alive Foundation believes that the youth MUST remain central to any programming if sustainable peace and development are to be realized in Kenya and beyond.

It is the youth who execute violence and consequently majority of them become victims of the violence through diminished investments hence minimal job opportunities as well as loss of lives and being rendered permanently disabled.


The consequences of this include a vulnerable mouthful population that is easily manipulated into violence, illegal gangs by self-seeking entities including politicians and war lords amongst others.

In Kenya/Africa with many youths having not gone through school and without reasonable skills to back them up many of them have engaged in alcoholism and drug abuse and the number is growing by the day.


This problem has not spared even the educated youths who have no income or formal neither informal engagement. This has the impact of destabilizing peace and thwarting development in the region.

We essentially work towards ensuring that the youth play an active role in decision making and peace building initiatives as well as Empowerment process.

We tap the strength and energy of the youths through sporting activities like soccer,athletics, volleyball etc.

This creates a platform to engage the youths on

Due to high cases of alcoholism drugs and substance we are building a modern Rehabilitation centre to help the affected victims.

We are looking for volunteers who can coach soccer and build talents in Kenya, we are also request for donations materials for soccer Jerseys, soccer shoes, both soccer and volleyball balls and all sporting materials and equipment