Hope Alive Foundation (HAF)


What We Do

How We Help

Hope Alive Foundation (HAF) is providing mental health awareness to African immigrants communities by helping them understand that:

  • Mental illness is not what culture and religion has taught them and it can be treated and there’s no need to hide and feel stigmatized.
  • Connecting or referring them to mental health services/treatment
  • Assisting in getting to know existing resources that offer help
  • Bringing together partners to leverage strength of African communities
  • Distribute information and connect feedback to understand the needs of African mental health.
  • Crisis intervention
  • Individual/group therapy/ Counselling
  • Linkage

Mental health services may include collateral support and team conferences to help individuals manage the symptoms of their mental illness and assist them achieve their wellness and recovery goals.

Mental Health, Homelessness & Addiction

United States Mission

African descendants’ communities tend to rely on family, religious and social communities for emotional support rather than turning to health care professionals, even though this may be necessary.

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Poverty Eradication & Empowerment

Africa - Kenya Mission

To Empower Women and Youth economically through provision of healthcare access to education, promotion of peace and to mitigate the impact of drugs, substance and alcohol addiction. 

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Youth Mission

Youth Mission

Globally the youth form the majority of the population forming the bulk number of voters. They form a critical mass providing an unmatched base of human resource.

Nevertheless, youth in many countries (Kenya is no exceptional) are marginalized and kept at the periphery in matters relating to governance and development of their nations with the ‘youth bulge’ many nations are facing a crisis that is likely to last for many more generations to come if the status quo is maintained.

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