Hope Alive Foundation (HAF)


Who We Are

Hope Alive Foundation (HAF) is a 501(C3) non-profit organization that exist to give African community/immigrants who are struggling with MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES, HOMELESSNESS OR ADDICTION a fresh chance to find their identity and a reservoir of healing.

African descendants’ communities tend to rely on family, religious and social communities for emotional support rather than turning to health care professionals, even though this may be necessary. Most African immigrants brought with them their cultural beliefs influenced views of mental health and mental illness, which are distinctly different from normative U. S. perspectives, resources and interventions. African cultures consider spiritual phenomena as fundamental to success and well being in life. Religious beliefs include the notion that individuals who pass away transform into ascended masters and unseen ancestral spirits who involve themselves in daily affairs, including protection from evil forces, good fortune, success during day-to-day undertakings, marital relationships, and prevention of mental illness. Mental illness is viewed as spiritual possession or beliefs that demons, gods, idols, or spirits can take control of a human body.

American mental health care systems do not recognize the unique challenges of African immigrants. Individuals who belong to ethnically diverse minority population groups including African immigrants receive less treatment than the rest of the American population, even though the demand for mental health care services is comparable. Language dissimilarities and communication impediments, distrust of the American mental health care system, higher rates of health coverage, and financial hardship are main explanations offered by ethnic and racial minorities for not seeking treatment.

Our Impact in Numbers


Countries we operate in


Staff and volunteers working across two countries


Invested in all our programs last year


People impacted directly by our work

Our Shared Vision

Addressing Homelessness

Hope Alive Foundation (HAF) main objective is to address the root causes of the cycle of homelessness that’s largely attributed by misfortune, hardships, drugs and substance and domestic violence in order to keep the next generation of children off the streets. We are objectively working towards being permanent/Transitional supportive housing provider committed to connecting people to therapeutic services by networking with various organizations and agencies that have resources and tools that addresses issues for mental health substance abuse, trauma that has been a major cause of homelessness. This shall be a solution towards healthy, sober self-supportive way of life to retain housing and stabilization back into the community.

what we do

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